DLC Overview

Any mixed load of DLC waste will be subject to a surcharge under Bylaw No. 3166, Amendment Bylaw No. 3245, 2021.

Sorting these wastes from one another will allow the Regional District to divert more waste from the landfill, saving valuable landfill space, energy, and resources. In addition, the tipping fees for easily divertible material will also increase.

Here are a few tips on starting to source separate DLC waste:

Step one is to draw up a plan to consider what can be deconstructed for valuable parts instead of demolishing the whole building. Step two is to make sure there is enough time in the demolition plan to source the separate demolished materials. Step three is to have space at the demolition site for piling or placing bins for each type of waste.

Even if the DLC material does not attract a surcharge, like clean wood or scrap metal, it helps all of us to find another disposal method other than landfill. Working with commercial recyclers can save you money on disposal, compared to taking them to the landfill site. 

DLC Reference Materials

***As of August 20th, 2021 Canada Recycles is no longer accepting Asphalt Shingles for Recycling***

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