Northern Goodness for Your Soil

NorGrow is a Class A compost made from the local yard and garden waste brought to the centralized composting facility at the Foothills Boulevard Regional Landfill. Compost has several uses around the garden and is a great alternative to chemical-based fertilizers and soil treatments. It really is Mother Nature’s way of recycling.
Best of all, NorGrow compost is helping the region meet its waste reduction goal!
We start first with the leaves, grass clippings, shrubs and tree cuttings brought in by residents and commercial operators like landscapers, which is shredded and screened to speed up the breakdown of the organic matter. Then we lay it out in long piles (windrows) and let time and temperature get to work. Periodically, the windrow will be aerated and mixed to ensure even decomposition. To ensure top quality compost, the windrow will be treated like this for a period of 35 days and maintain a temperature of 55° Celsius or greater for at least 15 days.
After this initial process, it is then gathered into piles for a further 21 days minimum to cure. The final step is to sample and test the cured compost in a laboratory for pH, 11 metals, foreign matter, and a number of other parameters. The finished compost looks rich and dark, is free from any large vegetal clumps, and smells like fresh earth.